Encore Life Planning is available to conduct workshops and training sessions on a variety of topics related to work in the second half of life. We will customize sessions to meet your specific needs. We have expertise on topics related to midlife transitions, encore careers, engaging older workers, workplace flexibility, generations at work, and planning for life in retirement.
Tapping the Talent of An Aging Workforce
The workforce is aging, and employers will increasingly turn to this segment of the population to meet their talent needs. Older workers represent a rich talent base, and they fit well with flexible staffing models, such as "talent on demand." However, employers will need to understand key motivators for older workers, and be open to creative approaches in how they structure work. Session overview:
Demographic shifts in the workplace
New definiton of what it means to be "retired"
Engaging Boomers - what organizations need to know
Why organizations need Boomer talent
Crafting win-win solutions for organizations and individuals
Audience: Human Resource Professionals, Department Managers
The Encore Years - Rethinking Work for a Changing World
As people live longer and healthier lives, new ideas about aging and work are emerging. What does this mean for older workers and employers, and what are the broader implications for society? Is this the end of retirement as we know it?
Audience: Nonprofit Administrators, Community Planners, Employers
Encore careers: A New Working Identity in the Second Half of Life
Increasingly, people at midlife are shifting into work that has personal meaning and social impact, while providing a paycheck. They are launching "encore" careers. There is significant interest in encore careers, but the transition routes are often difficult to forge. This session provides an overview of the encore career movement, and suggests ways to make a transition into an encore career.
Definition of an encore career
Factors that contribute to the growth of encore careers
Current trends
Future outlook - career fields with encore growth potential
Pathways to encore careers
Audience: Community Groups, Employee Groups
Contact Kate Schaefers for more information. kate@kateschaefers.com www.encorelifeplanning.com